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[1] Introduction aux vibrations aléatoires, A. Le Bot, ISBN-970-2-10-078741-8, Dunod, Paris, 2018. [2] Arts, sciences et autres frictions, I. Antoine, S Carvallo, A. Le Bot and J. Perret-Liaudet. ISBN 978-2-37213-050-9, Ecole centrale de Lyon, 2016. [3] Foundation of statistical energy analysis in vibroacoustics A. Le Bot. Oxford University Press, Oxford UK, 2015. [4] On the vibration analysis of structures with uncertainties Edited by A.K. Belayev and R. Langley, part II chapter 2 Statistical Energy Analysis and the second principle of thermodynamics by A. Le Bot, IUTAM bookseries, Springer, 2011. [5] New advances in modal synthesis of large structures, Edited by L. Jezequel, pages 291-300 "A new method for the non modal domain," by A. Le Bot, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5410 859 2, 1997. [1] A. Le Bot and E. Luzzato, Étude des problèmes d'identification des sources acoustiques en basses fréquences, EDF bulletin de la DER Série A, 4, 9-44, 1990. [2] A. Le Bot, M.N. Ichchou and L. Jezequel. Energy flow analysis for curved beams, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 102, 943-954, 1997. [3] M.N. Ichchou, A. Le Bot and L. Jezequel. Energy models of one-dimensional, multi-propagative systems, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 201, 535-554, 1997. [4] A. Le Bot. Geometric diffusion of vibrational energy and comparison with the vibrational conductivity approach, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 212, 637-647, 1998. [5] A. Le Bot. A vibroacoustic model for high frequency analysis, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 211, 537-654, 1998. [6] A. Le Bot and A. Bocquillet. Comparison of an integral equation on energy and the ray-tracing technique for room acoustics, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 108, 1732-1740, 2000. [7] V. Cotoni and A. Le Bot. Radiation of plane stuctures at high frequency using an energy method, International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration, 6, 209-214, 2001. [8] M. N. Ichchou and A. Le Bot and L. Jezequel. A transient local energy approach as an alternative to transient SEA: wave and telegraph equations, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 246, 829-840, 2001. [9] A. Le Bot. Energy transfer for high frequencies in built-up structures, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 250, 247-275, 2002. [10] V. Cotoni and A. Le Bot and L. Jezequel, High frequency radiation of L-shaped plate by a local energy flow approach, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 250, 431-444, 2002. [11] A. Le Bot. A functional equation for the specular reflection of rays, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 112, 1276-1287, 2002. [12] V. Cotoni and A. Le Bot and L. Jezequel. Sound transmission through a plate by an energy flow approach, Acustica with Acta Acustica, 88, 827-836, 2002. [13] V. Cotoni and A. Le Bot. Specular and diffuse reflections of rays in coupled thin plates at high frequencies, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 265, 23-41, 2003. [14] E. Reboul and A. Le Bot and J. Perret-Liaudet. Introduction of the Acoustical diffraction in the radiative transfer method, Comptes Rendus Mécanique, 332, 505-511, 2004. [15] A. Le Bot. Comparison of vibrational conductivity and radiative energy transfer methods, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 283, 135-151, 2005. [16] E. Reboul and A. Le Bot and J. Perret-Liaudet. Radiative transfer equation for multiple diffraction, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 118, 1326-1334, 2005. [17] A. Le Bot. Energy exchange in uncorrelated ray fields of vibro-acoustics, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 120, 1194-1208, 2006. [18] A. Le Bot. Derivation of Statistical Energy Analysis from radiative exchanges, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 300, 763-779, 2007. [19] G. Boyer, H. Zahouani, H., A. Le Bot, L. Laquieze. In vivo characterization of viscoelastic properties of human skin using dynamic micro-indentation, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 26, 4584-4587, 2007. [20] E. Sadoulet-Reboul, A. Le Bot, J. Perret-Liaudet and M. Mori, H. Houjoh. A hybrid method for vibroacoustics based on the radiative energy transfer method, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 303, 675-690, 2007. [21] G. Boyer, L. Laquieze, A. Le Bot, S. Laquieze and H. Zahouani. Dynamic indentation on human skin in vivo: ageing effects, Skin Research and Technology, 14, 1-13, 2008. [22] E. Sadoulet-Reboul, A. Le Bot and J. Perret-Liaudet. A hybrid method for vibroacoustic coupling, Application to the noise radiated around an engine compartment, Revue Européenne de Mécanique Numérique, European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 17, 689-699, 2008. [23] H. Ben Abdelounis, K. Elleuch, R. Vargiolu, H. Zahouani, A. Le Bot. On the behaviour of obsidian under scratch test, Wear, 266, 621-626, 2009. [24] A. Le Bot. Entropy in Statistical Energy Analysis, Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 125, 1473-1478, 2009. [25] H. Ben Abdelounis, A. Le Bot, J. Perret-Liaudet, H. Zahouani. An experimental study on roughness noise of dry rough flat surfaces, Wear, 268, 335-345, 2010. [26] A. Le Bot and E. Bou Chakra. Measurement of friction noise versus contact area of rough surfaces weakly loaded, Tribology Letters, 37, 273-281, 2010. [27] A. Le Bot and V. Cotoni. Validity diagrams of statistical energy analysis, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 329, 221-235, 2010. [28] F. Wu-Bavouzet, J. Cayer-Barrioz, A. Le Bot, F. Brochard-Wyart and A. Buguin. Effect of surface pattern on the adhesive friction of elastomers, Physical Review E, 82, 031806, 2010. [29] A. Le Bot, A. Carcaterra and D. Mazuyer. Statistical vibroacoustics and entropy concept, Entropy, 12, 2418-2435, 2010. [30] A. Le Bot, E. Bou Chakra and G. Michon. Dissipation of vibration in rough contact, Tribology Letters, 41, 47-53, 2011. [31] H. Ben Abdelounis, H. Zahouani, A. Le Bot, J. Perret-Liaudet and M. Ben Tkaya. Numerical simulation of friction noise, Wear, 271,621-624, 2011. [32] T.R. Ori, P. Gbaha, O. Asseu, A. Le Bot. Vehicle stopping distance by means of suspensions control, Asian Journal of Scientific Research, 4, 28-41, 2011. [33] Y. Kadmiri, J. Perret-Liaudet, E. Rigaud, A. Le Bot, and L. Vary. Influence of Multiharmonics Excitation on Rattle Noise in Automotive Gearboxes, Advances in Acoustics and Vibration, 2011, Article ID 659797, 2011. [34] A. Carbonelli, J. Perret-Liaudet, E. Rigaud, A. Le Bot. Particle Swarm Optimization as an Efficient Computational Method in order to Minimize Vibrations of Multimesh Gears Transmission, Advances in Acoustics and Vibration, 2011, Article ID 195642, 2011. [35] O. Smerdova, J. Cayer-Barrioz, A. Le Bot, B. Sarbaev. Analytical model and experimental validation of friction laws for composites under low loads, Tribology Letters, 46, 263-272, 2012. [36] O. Smerdova, A. Le Bot, J. Cayer-Barrioz, B. Sarbaev. Frottement des matériaux composites polymères à renfort fibre de carbone : expériences et modélisation, Matériaux et techniques, 100, 671-679, 2012. [37] J. Le Rouzic, A. Le Bot, J. Perret-Liaudet, M. Guibert, A. Rusanov, L. Douminge, F. Bretagnol, D. Mazuyer Friction-induced vibration by Stribeck's law: application to wiper blade squeal noise, Tribology Letters, 49, 563-572, 2013. [38] E. Rigaud, A. Le Bot. Influence of incidence angle on wear induced by sliding impacts, Wear, 307, 68-74, 2013. [39] V.H. Dang, J. Perret-Liaudet, J. Scheibert, A. Le Bot. Direct numerical simulation of the dynamics of sliding rough surfaces, Computational mechanics, 52, 1169-1183, 2013. [40] T. Lafont, N. Totaro, A. Le Bot. Review of statistical energy analysis hypotheses in vibroacoustics, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 470, 20130515, 2013. [41] A. Le Bot, E. Sadoulet-Reboul. High frequency vibroacousics: A radiative transfer equation and radiosity based approach, Wave Motion, 51, 598-605, 2014. [42] T. Do Anh, A. Le Bot, N. Abdelmoula, S. Hans, C. Boutin. Liquefaction of immersed granular media under isotropic compression, Europhysics Letters, 108, 24004, 2014. [43] T. Doanh, A. Le Bot, N. Abdelmoula, L. Gribaa, S. Hans, C. Boutin. Unexpected collapses during isotropic consolidation of model granular materials, Comptes rendus de mécanique, 344, 69-77, 2016. [44] F. Dalzin, A. Le Bot, J. Perret-Liaudet, D. Mazuyer. Tribological origin of squeal noise in lubricated elastomer-glass contact, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 372, 211-222, 2016. [45] T. Doanh, N. Abdelmoula, T. Nguyen, S. Hans, C. Boutin, A. Le Bot. Unexpected liquefaction under isotropic consolidation of idealized granular materials, Granular Matter, 18:67, 2016. [46] J. Rech, F. Dumont, A. Le Bot, P.J. Arrazola. Reduction of noise during milling operations, CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 18,, 39-44, 2017. [47] T. Souilliart, E. Rigaud, A. Le Bot, C. Phalippou. Energy-based wear law for oblique impacts in dry environment, Tribology International, 105, 241-249, 2017. [48] A. Le Bot, Z. Bazari, P. Klein, J. Lelong. Statistical analysis of vibration in tyres, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 392, 187-199, 2017. [49] T. Doanh, N. Abdelmoula, L. Gribaa, T.T.T. Nguyen, S. Hans, C. Boutin, A. Le Bot. Dynamic instabilities under isotropic drained compression of idealized granular materials, Acta Geotechnica, 12, 657--676, 2017. [50] A. Le Bot. Entropy in sound and vibration: towards a new paradigm, Proc. R. Soc. A, 473, 20160602, 2017. [51] A. Le Bot. Noise of sliding rough contact, Journal of Physics, 797, 012006, 2017. [52] T. Lafont, N. Totaro, A. Le Bot. Coupling strength assumption in statistical energy analysis, Proc. R. Soc. A, 473, 20160927, 2017. [53] T. Souilliart, E. Rigaud, A. Le Bot, C. Phalippou. An energy approach for impact wear in water environment, Wear, 376, 738-745, 2017. [54] A. Le Bot, G. Duval, P. Klein, J. Lelong. Analytical solution for bending vibration of a thin- walled cylinder rolling on a time-varying force, R. Soc. Open Sci., 5 180639, 2018. [55] T.T.T. Nguyen, T. Doanh, A. Le Bot, D. Dalmas. On the role of pore pressure in dynamic instabilities of saturated model granular materials, Granular Matters, vol. 21 :61, 2019. [56] H. Li, N. Totaro, L. Maxit, A. Le Bot. Ergodic billiard and statistical energy analysis, Wave Motion, vol. 87, p. 166–178, 2019. [57] A. Le Bot. Geometrical theory of diffraction for sound radiation and structural response, Wave Motion, vol. 87, p. 179–192, 2019. [58] A. Le Bot, J. Scheibert, A.A. Vasko, O.M. Braun. Relaxation tribometry : A generic method to identify the nature of contact forces, Tribology Letters, vol. 67 :53, 2019. [59] Q. Zhong, H. Chen, A. Le Bot. Radiative energy transfer model for finite anisotropic plates, J. Sound Vib., vol. 497:115947, 2021. [60] V. Tyrode, N. Totaro, L. Maxit, A. Le Bot. Coherent wave reflection in integrable or chaotic symmetrical acoustical billiards, Proc. R. Soc. A, 477 : 2255 (2021). [61] T.T.T. Nguyen, T. Doanh, A. Le Bot, D. Dalmas. High-temporal-resolution quasideterministic dynamics of granular stick-slip, Scientific reports, vol. 11 : 2902 (2021). [62] P. O’Donoughue, O. Robin, K. Rouard, A. Le Bot, and A. Berry. Post-processing deflectometry grid images using particle image velocimetry analysis, J. Vib. Acoust., vol. 144 : 034501 (2021). [63] A. Le Bot, O. Robin, K. Rouard, A. Berry. Analysis of Random Mechanical Vibrations in Symmetrical Thin Plates Using Full-Field Vibration Measurements, J. Vib. Acoust., vol. 143 : 024503 (2021). [64] M. Guibert, C. Oliver, T. Durand, T. Le Mogne, A. Le Bot, et al.. A versatile flexure-based 6-axes force/torque sensor and its application to tribology, Review of Scientific Instruments, American Institute of Physics, vol. 92, pp.085002 (2021). [1] E. Luzzato and A. Le Bot. "Numerical determination of sound source radiation using near field intensity in low frequency range," International Congress on Recent Developments in Air and Structure Born Sound and Vibration, Auburn university USA, pages 35-42, 6 - 8 march 1990. [2] A. Le Bot and L. Jezequel. "Energy formulation for one dimensional problems," Acoutic's 93, Southampton United Kingdom, pages 561-568, march 1993. [3] A. Le Bot and L. Jezequel. "Energy methods applied to transverse vibrations of beams," 4th International Congress on Intensity, Senlis France, pages 371-378, 31 aug. - 2 sept. 1993. [4] A. Le Bot, M.N. Ichchou and L. Jezequel. "Smooth energy formulation for multi-dimensional problems," Euro-Noise 95, Lyon France pages 423-428, 21 - 23 march 1995. [5] M.N. Ichchou, A. Le Bot and L. Jezequel. "Radial and tangential energy flow models for curved wave guides," Vibration and Noise 95, Venise Italie, p. 718-727, 25 - 27 april 1995. [6] A. Adobes and A. Le Bot. "The use of a balance on reactive power to improve SEA theory," Inter-Noise 95, Newport Beach USA, pages 1259-1262, 10 - 12 july 1995. [7] A. Le Bot and L. Ricol. "Integral equation instead of heat conduction equation for medium and high frequencies," Inter-Noise 95, Newport Beach USA, pages 579-582, 10 - 12 july 1995. [8] M.N. Ichchou, A. Le Bot and L. Jezequel. "Beam network analysis by a power flow method," Transaction of ASME conference 95, Boston USA, p. 823-827, 1995. [9] A. Le Bot, M.N. Ichchou and L. Jezequel. "Formulation énergétique pour l'étude moyennes et hautes fréquences des structures," Premier Colloque du Groupement de Recherche Vibroacoustique GDR 1138, Marseille France, pages 1-12, 14 - 15 déc. 1994. Publications du LMA-CNRS, ISBN 2-909669-06-8, 1995. [10] M.N. Ichchou, A. Le Bot and L. Jezequel. "Couplage de plaques en hautes fréquences : méthode de l'équation de la chaleur," Second Colloque du Groupement de Recherche Vibroacoustique GDR 1138, Marseille France, pages 65-79, 20 - 21 mars 1996. Publications du LMA-CNRS, ISBN 2-909669-07-6, 1996. [11] A. Le Bot, M.N. Ichchou and L. Jezequel. "Couplage de plaques en hautes fréquences : formulation intégrale et perspectives acoustiques," Second Colloque du Groupement de Recherche Vibroacoustique GDR 1138, Marseille France, pages 81-92, 20 - 21 mars 1996. Publications du LMA-CNRS, ISBN 2-909669-07-6, 1996. [12] A. Le Bot and L. Jezequel. "Integral formulation for high frequencies in assembled plates," 4th French Congress on Acoustics, Marseille France, 4 pages, 14-18 april 1997. [13] A. Le Bot. "A new method for the non modal domain," Comettâ95, Lyon France, p. 465-474, 5 - 6 oct. 1995. Published in New advances in modal synthesis of large structures, Edited by L. Jezequel, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5410 859 2, 1997. [14] M.N. Ichchou, P. Moron, A. Le Bot and L. Jezequel. "Synthèse comparative de quatre méthodes prédictives pour le domaine non modal," Troisième Colloque du Groupement de Recherche Vibroacoustique GDR 1138, Le Mans France, pages 177-185, 3-4 mars 1997. Publications du LMA-CNRS, ISBN 2-909669-08-4, 1997. [15] A. Le Bot and A. Bocquillet. "Geometrical acoustics and integral representation of energy fields," Inter-Noise 98, Christchurch New Zealand, 4 pages, 16 - 18 nov. 1998. [16] A. Le Bot, A. Bocquillet, M.N. Ichchou and L. Jezequel. "Exemples d'application d'une formulation intégrale hautes fréquences," Quatrième Colloque du Groupement de Recherche Vibroacoustique GDR 1138, Le Mans France, pages 85-91, 11 - 13 mars 1998. Publications du LMA-CNRS, ISBN 2-909669-13-0, 1998. [17] V. Cotoni, A. Le Bot and L. Jezequel. "Radiation of plane structures at high frequencies using an energy method," 6th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 99, Lyngby Danemark, 5 - 6 july 1999. [18] V. Cotoni, A. Le Bot, M.N. Ichchou and L. Jezequel, "Line excited curved panels radiation at high frequency by a power flow method," Novem 2000, Lyon France, 11 pages, 31 aug. - 2 sept. 2000. [19] A. Bocquillet, M.N. Ichchou, A. Le Bot and L. Jezequel, "SEA and local energy approach of fluid-filled pipes," Novem 2000, Lyon France, 12 pages, 31 aug. - 2 sept. 2000. [20] M.N. Ichchou, A. Le Bot and L. Jezequel, "Applications of the local energy approach in elastoacoustic engineering," Novem 2000, Lyon France, 12 pages, 31 aug. - 2 sept. 2000. [21] V. Cotoni, A. Le Bot and L. Jezequel, "High frequency plate radiation by power flow analysis with experimental validation," Inter-Noise 2000, Nice France, 4 pages, 27 - 30 aug. 2000. [22] V. Cotoni, A. Le Bot and L. Jezequel. "Vibroacoustique hautes frequences : modele energetique local pour le rayonnement," Canadian acoustics, proceeding of Acoustics Week In Canada, vol. 28(3) 2 pages, 29 - 30 sept. 2000. [23] A. Le Bot and V. Cotoni. "Boundary element method for rays in plates," IMAC XIX, Orlando Florida USA, 7 pages, 5 - 8 feb. 2001. [24] A. Le Bot, J. Perret-Liaudet, E. Rigaud and N. Driot, "A hybrid model for the prediction of noise radiated by gearbox," Inter-Noise 2002, Deaborn Michigan USA, 5 pages, 19 - 21 aug. 2002. [25] A. Le Bot and T. Mathia, "Monoski for disabled men," 6th Conference of the European Association for Research in Adapted Physical Activity, Amien France, 3 pages, 30 oct. - 2 nov. 2002. [26] A. Le Bot, T. Schmitt, N. Driot and J. Perret-Liaudet, "Radiative transfer equation for time-reverberation of concert halls," 10th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Stockholm, Sweden, 7-10 july 2003. [27] E. Reboul, A. Le Bot and J. Perret-Liaudet, "Application of the radiosity method to acoustical diffraction in high frequency range," Internoise 2003, Seogwipo, Korea, 25-28 aug. 2003. [28] N. Driot, A. Le Bot and J. Perret-Liaudet, "Variability of the predicted reverberation time of a concert hall induced by absorption coefficient uncertainties," Internoise 2003, Seogwipo, Korea, 25-28 aug. 2003. [29] E. Reboul and A. Le Bot and J. Perret-Liaudet. "A hybrid method for the radiated noise prediction in high frequency," 18th International Congress on Acoustics, Kyoto, Japan, 4 - 9 april 2004. [30] F. Flament and R. Vargiolu and A. Le Bot and A. Mavon and H. Zahouani. "Ãtude du vieilissement par mesure mécano-acoustique," Colloque de la Société francophone de l'ingénierie cutanée, Liège, Belgique, 8 - 9 september 2004. [31] F. Flament, H. Zahouani, R. Toscano, A. Le Bot. "A tribo-acoustical approach to evaluate the sweetness in vivo of the human skin," 10th International conference Metrology and properties of Engineering Surfaces, 4-7 juillet 2005, Saint Etienne, Frances, Actes : Proceeding of the 10th International conference Metrology and properties of Engineering Surfaces, T. Thomas, B.G Rosen, H. Zahouani, p. 441-447 publications de lUniversit de Saint Etienne, Saint Etienne, France, 2005. [32] H. Zahouani, C. Pailler-Mattei, F. Flament, A. Le Bot, A. Mavon. "Acoustic Tribology of Human Skin," World Tribology Congress III, 12-16 september 2005, Washington D.C, USA, Actes : Reviewed extended abstract ( 2 pages), CD ROM. [33] E. Reboul and J. Perret-Liaudet and A. Le Bot. "Acoustical energy diffracted around a building ," CFA/DAGA04, Strasbourg, France, 22 - 25 march 2004. [34] A. Le Bot and H. Abdelounis and H. Zahouani. "Experimental study of friction noise of dry contact under light load," 1th International Congress on Design and Modelling of Mechanical Systems, Hammamet, Tunisia, 23 - 25 march 2005. [35] A. Le Bot. "Application of radiative transfer to vibroacoustics," 2th International Congress on Noise and Vibration: Emerging Methods NOVEM, St Raphael, France, 18 - 21 april 2005. [36] E. Reboul and J. Perret-Liaudet and A. Le Bot and M. Masato and H. Houjoh. "Vibroacoustic prediction of mechanisms using a hybrid method," 2th International Congress on Noise and Vibration: Emerging Methods NOVEM, St Raphael, France, 18 - 21 april 2005. [37] A.L. Kaiser and A. Le Bot and S. Bec and C. Langlade and J.P. Vernot. "Influence des paramètres mécaniques sur l'usure d'un contact tube-bague en conditions extrêmes," 17ième Congrès français de mécanique, Troyes, France, 29 august - 2 september 2005. [38] E. Reboul and A. Le Bot and J. Perret-Liaudet. "Approche hybride pour la maîtrise vibroacoustique de mécanismes," 17ième Congrès français de mécanique, Troyes, France, 29 august - 2 september 2005. [39] A. Le Bot "From non diffuse field to Statistical Energy Analysis," Euronoise 2006, Tampere, Finland, 30 may - 1 june 2006. [40] H. Ben Abdelounis and A. Le Bot and H. Zahouani. "Description phénoménologique du bruit de rugosité," 15ième journées francophones de la tribologie, Lille, France, 22 - 24 may 2006. [41] A. Le Bot, H. Zahouani, R. Vargiolu and A. Mavon. "Assessment of the smoothness of surfaces with an acoustical probe," 14th International Congress on Acoustics and Vibration, Cairns, Australia, 9-12 july 2007. [42] G. Boyer, H. Zahouani, A. Le Bot and L. Laquieze. "In vivo characterization of viscoelastic properties of human skin using dynamic micro indentation," 29th Int. Conf. of the IEE Engineering in Medecine and Biology Society, Lyon, France, 4 pages, 23-26 august 2007. [43] A. Le Bot, T. Mathia, H. Zahouani, L. Billet. "Classification des sièges uniskis pour les personnes handicapées," 4th Congrès du réseau français d'ingénierie du sport RFIS 2007, Luminy Marseille, 6-8 june 2007. [44] J.M. Georges, I. Antoine, S. Carvallo, J. Cayer-Barrioz, A. Le Bot. "Human friction, Material friction," 4th Int. Conference on enactive interfaces, Grenoble, France, 19-22 november 2007. [45] H.B. Abdelounis, A. Le Bot, H. Zahouani, J. Perret-Liaudet. "Experimental study on friction noise of dry rough surfaces," Proceedings of the STLE/ASME International Joint Tribology Conference IJTC2008, Miami, Florida, USA, 20-22 october 2008. [46] E. Bou Chakra, A. Le Bot. "Friction induced-vibration in a rough dynamic contact," 16th International Colloquium Tribology Lubricants, Material and Lubrication engineering, Stuttgart, Germany, 4 pages, 15-17 january 2008. [47] A. Le Bot, V. Cotoni. "Discussion on the validity domain of Statistical Energy Analysis," Acousticsâ08, Paris, France, 4 pages, 29 june - 4 july 2008. [48] F. Deleau, D. Mazuyer, J. Perret-Liaudet, A. Le Bot, E. Rigaud, A. Koenen. "Dynamic instability visualization of a rubber/glass interface," Internoiseâ08, Shanghai, China, 10 pages, 26 - 29 october 2008. [49] H.B. Abdelounis, A. Le Bot, H. Zahouani, J. Perret-Liaudet. "Experimental study on friction noise of dry rough surfaces" Proceedings of the STLE/ASME International Joint Tribology Conference IJTC2008, Miami, Florida, USA, 20-22 october 2008. [50] H. Ben Abdelounis, H. Zahouani, A. Le Bot, J. Perret-Liaudet. "Numerical and experimental analysis of roughness noise," 12th International Conference on Metrology & Properties of Engineering Surfaces, Rzesz, Poland, 5 pages, 8 - 10 july 2009. [51] A. Le Bot. "Equilibrium and non-equilibrium in Statistical Energy Analysis," Noise and Vibration : Emerging methods NOVEM 2009, Oxford, United Kingdom, 9 pages, 5 - 8 april 2009. [52] A. Le Bot. "Statistical Energy Analysis and the second principle of thermodynamics," IUTAM Symposium : The vibration analysis of structures with uncertainties, St Petersbourg, Russia, 11 pages, 6 - 9 July 2009. [53] J. Perret-Liaudet, Fabrice Deleau, Alain Le Bot, Denis Mazuyer, Alain Koenen. "On some experimental results about nonlinear self-induced vibrations of a rubber/glass interface in relation with squealing," 16th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Krakow, Poland, 5 - 9 july 2009. [54] B. Stoimenov, A. Le Bot, K. Adachi, K. Kato, H. Zahouani. "The level of rubbing sound in relation to surface roughness in different systems," World Tribology Congress, Kyoto, Japan, 6 - 11 september 2009. [55] A. Le Bot. "Approche thermodynamique de l'analyse statistique de l'energie," 10th Congres francais d'acoustique, Lyon, France, 10-12 april 2010. [56] V.H. Dang, A. Le Bot. "Simulation numerique du bruit de frottement lors du contact entre deux surfaces rugueuses," 10th congres francais d'acoustique, Lyon, France 12 - 16 april 2010. [57] F. Bavouzet, J. Cayer-Barrioz, A. Le Bot, F. Brochard, A. Buguin. "Adhesive friction law for patterned elastomeric surfaces," Adhesion Society Meeting, Daytona Beach, Florida, USA, 21-24 february 2010. [58] A. Le Bot, D. Mazuyer. "Dynamics of multicontact interfaces," Ecole de Cargese, theoretical modeling and experimental simulation in tribology, Cargese, France, 22 - 26 march 2010. [59] V.H. Dang, A. Le Bot, J. Perret-Liaudet, B. Stoimenov. "Direct numerical simulation in contact dynamics," JIFT, Obernai, France, 11-13 may 2011. [60] O. Smerdova, A. Le Bot, J. Cayer-Barrioz, M. Quatresous, V. Semet. "Effet des nanoperles de carbone sur le frottement sec des composites a matrice epoxy," JIFT, Obernai, France, 11-13 may 2011. [61] A. Le Bot, Statistical Energy Analysis, entropy and thermodynamics," Mi- dea midfrequency energy analysis workshop, 2 - 3 may 2011, Schloss Thurnau, Germany. [62] J. Le Rouzic, J. Perret-Liaudet, A. Carbonelli, A. Le Bot, D. Mazuyer. "Some experimental and analytical results on self-excited vibration of a dynamic sliding system in the case of Stribeck law for friction coefficient," Proceeding of IDETC/CIE 2011 ASME 2011, 28 - 31 august 2011, Washington DC, USA. [63] A. Le Bot, A. Carbonelli, J. Perret-Liaudet. "Entropy : a counterpart in statistical energy analysis," In proceedings of 18th International congress on Sound and Vibration, 6 pages, ICSV18, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 10-14 july 2011. [64] A. Le Bot. "Radiative transfer equation in vibro-acoustics : Theoretical and numerical approach," Enumath 2011, Leicester, UK, 5-9 sept. 2011. [65] V.H. Dang, A. Le Bot. "Numerical simulation of noise-induced by contact between two rough surfaces," In proceedings of Novem 2012, 1-4 april 2012, Sorrento, Italy. [66] A. Le Bot, A. Carbonelli and J. Perret Liaudet. "On the usefulness of entropy in statistical energy analysis," In proceedings of Acoustics 2012, 4 pages, Nantes, France, 23 - 27 april 2012. [67] A. Le Bot, V.H. Dang and E. Bou Chakra. "Dependence of friction noise of rough surfaces with contact area," In proceedings of Acoustics 2012, 4 pages, Nantes, France, 23 - 27 april 2012. [68] V.H. Dang, A. Le Bot and J. Perret Liaudet. "Numerical simulation of noise generated by multi asperity contact between rough surfaces," In proceedings of Acoustics 2012, 4 pages, Nantes, France, 23 - 27 april 2012. [69] J. Dondaine, A. Le Bot, J. Rech and S. Mussa Peretto. "Comparison of radiosity and ray- tracing methods for coupled rooms," In proceedings of Acoustics 2012, 4 pages, Nantes, France, 23 - 27 april 2012. [70] A. Rusanov, D. Mazuyer, J. Perret-Liaudet, A. Le Bot, M. Guibert, J. Le Rouzic. "Tribological origin of squeal noise in lubricated glass/elastomer contact," In proceedings of Acoustics 2012, 4 pages, Nantes, france, 23 - 27 april 2013. [71] A. Le Bot, V.H. Dang, D. Mazuyer, M. Guibert. "Loi de dissipation des vibrations dans un contact rugueux," In proceedings of Journées internationale francophones de la tribologie, 6 pages, JIFT 2012, 9 - 11 may 2012, Aix en Provence, France. [72] A. Le Bot, V.H. Dang. "Dissipation of vibration in multicontact sliding," In proceedings of 13ièmes Journées de la matière condensée JMC13, 1 page, Montpellier, 27 - 31 august 2012. [73] A. Le Bot. "High frequency vibroacoustics: a radiative transfer equation based approach," InnoWave 2012, 3-7 september 2012, Nottingham, UK. [74] F. Dalzin, A. Le Bot, D. Mazuyer, J. Le Rouzic, J. Perret-Liaudet, F. Bretagnol et G. Petitet. "Compréhension des instabilités de frottement : application au système dâessuyage," eme dâessuyage, In proceedings Journées internationales francophones de tribologie, 7 pages, JIFT 29 - 31 may 2013, Ecully, France. [75] T. Lafont, N. Totaro, and A. Le Bot. S "Statistical energy analysis : correlation between diffuse field and energy equipartition," In Proceedings of the 1st euro-mediterranean conference on structural dynamics and vibroacoustics, 4 pages, Medyna, Marrakech, Morocco, 23 - 25 april 2013. [76] F. Dalzin, A. Le Bot, D. Mazuyer, J. Perret-Liaudet and F. Bretagnol. "Comprehension of friction law instability : Application to wiper blade squeal noise," In Proceedings of the 1st euro-mediterranean conference on structural dynamics and vibroacoustics, 4 pages, Medyna, Marrakech, Morocco, 23 - 25 april 2013. [77] A. Le Bot, VH Dang. "Friction noise of rough surfaces and dissipation of vibration," In Proceedings of the 1st euro-mediterranean conference on structural dynamics and vibroacoustics, 4 pages, Medyna, Marrakech, Morocco, 23 - 25 april 2013. [78] VH Dang, A. Le Bot, J. Perret-Liaudet, J. Scheibert. "Direct numerical simulation of friction noise," In Proceedings of the 1st euro-mediterranean conference on structural dynamics and vibroacoustics, 4 pages, Medyna, Marrakech, Morocco, 23 - 25 april 2013. [79] T. Lafont, N. Totaro, and A. Le Bot. "A study of the assumptions used in statistical energy analysis." In Proceedings of Internoise, Melbourne, Australia, 16 - 19 november 2014. [80] T. Lafont, N. Totaro, and A. Le Bot. "Acoustique statistique : étude de lâhypothèse de couplage faible et de lâinfluence des modes non-résonants pour la SEA," In proceedings of 12e congrès français dâacoustique. CFA 22 - 25 avril 2014, Poitiers, France. [81] T. Lafont, N. Totaro, and A. Le Bot. "Statistical energy analysis : from the understanding of its assumptions to the practical use." In Proceedings of NOVEM 2015 noise and vibration emerging technologies, 10 pages, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 13 - 15 april 2015. [82] Z. Bazari, P. Klein, J. Lelong, A. Le Bot. "Simulation numérique directe du contact entre une roue et une surface rugueuse," In proceedings of Journées internationale francophones de la tribologie, 8 pages, JIFT 2015, 27 - 29 may 2015, Nantes, France. [83] T. Souilliart, E. Rigaud, A. Le Bot, and C. Phalippou. "Wear induced by stochastic sliding impacts," In Proceedings of the ASME 2015 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference, 6 pages, Boston, USA, 19 - 23 july 2015. [84] A. Le Bot. "Statistical energy analysis: theory and applications," Up2hf Mid and high frequency modelling in structural acoustics summer school, Ecully, France, 1 - 3 july 2015. [85] Z. Bazari, P. Klein, J. Lelong, and A. Le Bot. "Simulation numérique directe du contact pneu/chaussée," 22e Congrès français de mécanique (CFM 2015), Lyon, France, 24 - 28 august 2015. [86] T. Do Anh, A. Le Bot, N. Abdelmoula, S. Hans, C. Boutin. "Conditions for isotropic liquefaction of model granular materials," 22ième congrès français de mécanique, Lyon, 24 - 28 august 2015. [87] E. Contraires, M.C. Solignac, M. Guibert, S. Valette, S. Benayoun, A. Le Bot. "Comportement de gouttes dynamiques sur surfaces polymères texturés," 22ième congrès français de mécanique, Lyon, France, 24 - 28 august 2015. [88] F. Dalzin, A. Le Bot, J. Perret-Liaudet, and D. Mazuyer. "Real contact area and friction instabilities in wetted elastomer/glass contact." In International tribology conference, 2 pages, Tokyo, Japan, 16 - 20 september 2015. [89] A. Le Bot. "Noise of sliding rough contact," 15th anglo-french physical acoustics conference, Surrey, UK, 13 - 15 january 2016. [90] A. Le Bot. "Statistical energy analysis et thermodynamique statistique." Congrès français dâacoustique , Le Mans, 11 - 15 avril 2016. [91] A. Le Bot. "Bruit des surfaces rugueuses," Congrès français dâacoustique, Le Mans, 11-15 avril 2016. [92] Z. Bazari, P. Klein, J. Lelong, A. Le Bot. "Modélisation dynamique du contact pneumatique/chaussée pour lâévaluation du bruit de roulement," Congrès français d'acoustique , Le Mans, 11-15 avril 2016. [93] S. Gatignol, A. Le Bot, T. Demassougne. "Etude physique des instabilités de frottement à l'origine du bruit de crissement des courroies poly-V en atmosphère humide," Congrès français d'acoustique, Le Mans, 11-15 avril 2016. [94] S. Gatignol, A. Le Bot, and T. Demassougne. Microscopic experimental investigation of the friction of v-ribbed belt under wet conditions linked with macroscopic instabilities at a Belt- Pulley interface. In Proceedings of NordTrib 2016, 1 page, Hmeenlinna, Finland, 14-17 june 2016. [95] S. Gatignol, T. Demassougne, and A. Le Bot. Detection of friction-induced instabilities at the origin of the squeal of wet ploy-V belts. In Proceedings of Inter-Noise 2016, 11 pages, Hambourg, Germany, 21-24 august 2016. [96] E. Contraires, M. Guibert, S. Valette, A. Le Bot, S. Benayoun. Dynamic wetting of textured vibrating surfaces. 1st International conference on multiscale applications of surface tension, 2 pages + 1 poster, Brussels, Belgium, 5-8 september 2016. [97] J. Bousmat, A. Le Bot, J. Scheibert, F. Bremond. Study of rubber/road dry friction in rolling sliding and onset of sliding conditions. In proceedings of World Tribology Congress, 2 pages, Beijing, China, 17-22 september 2017. [98] A. Le Bot, H. Li, N. Totaro, L. Maxit. Statistical energy analysis and diffuse field. In proceedings of 26th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, 6 pages, Montreal, Canada, 7-11 july 2019. [99] Q. Zhong, H. Chen, A. Le Bot. Radiative energy transfer model for pre-stressed orthotropic plate on visco-elastic foundation. In proceedings of 26th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, 6 pages, Montreal, Canada, 7-11 july 2019. [100] M. Assemien, A. Le Bot. Influence of sliding speed on roughness noise. In proceedings of 26th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, 6 pages, Montreal, Canada, 7-11 july 2019. [1] L. Billet and A. Le Bot, "Appareillage permettant la pratique du ski alpin à un skieur handicapé des jambes, et ski équipé", Brevet INPI 95903831.6-2315 1994. [1] "CeReS", This software is intended to the prediction of vibrational levels and sound pressure levels in the high frequency range. Based on the geometrical acoustics/optics and its extension, the geometrical theory of diffraction, CeReS solves the radiative transfer equation. It applies in various fields such as structural dynamics, acoustics, optics and seismology. Copyright Alain Le Bot 1997, 2000, 2006 [2] "Free awale", An implementation of the famous African game with an improved min-max algorithm. Free awale is distributed under the GNU GPL licence and can be freely downloaded. [3] "Group", A small software intented to illustrate the theory of finite groups. Group is distributed under the GNU GPL licence and can be freely downloaded. |